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Showing posts from September, 2019

When do you need to see an orthopedic physician?

Every patient has distinct medical needs. The requirement for every medical condition varies as per the specific state of a person. That’s why the field of medical sciences has bestowed us with specialty-trained physicians specializing in the treatment of the particular medical condition. And among them are the orthopedic physicians. Orthopedic physicians are doctors who specialize in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of medical conditions associated with bones, joints, nerves, ligaments,  muscles, and tendons. However, sometimes finding out the right condition about when to consult an orthopedic doctor can be a bit difficult. The pain in different  organs might puzzle you about whether to visit an orthopedician or not. Thus, to help you get out of this situation the guidelines mentioned below help you determine situation when to visit an orthopedic doctor. You might need to visit an orthopedic physician if you have: • Gradual pain in knee and hip that elevates on lifti

Say "No More" to Hip Pain

Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent type of rheumatoid arthritis in India. This medical condition is stated to be the most common cause of hip pain in adolescents. However, in severe instances, osteoarthritis is treated by performing surgery. Arthritis induces the damage to the cartilage which further restricts the bone motion leading to cause critical pain. The pain is so intense that it even interferes with the common activities of walking, sitting, or moving the arm. Courtesy to h ip replacement surgeons in Indore !! This condition of hip pain and disability can be treated well through the renowned orthopedic hospitals in town. What Is Hip Replacement Surgery? Total hip replacement is a medical procedure to replace the worn or damaged hip joints. The old hip joint is substituted by a prosthesis that resembles and acts as a standard joint (an artificial joint mainly made of metal and plastic). What Are The Indications Of Having A Hip Replacement? Individuals who fac

Recovery after a Knee Replacement Surgery

A patient who has undergone a knee replacement surgery will be hospitalized for 1 to 3 days. Further, the recovery of the patient may depend upon how well he/she   follows the provided prescriptions of the doctor. HOW TO RECOVER FASTER AT HOME? It may take up to 3 months to recover fully from a knee replacement surgery. After 4 to 6 weeks, a patient can start driving and after 6 to 8 weeks he/she can return   to his/her normal job. Further, a patient must follow the given directions for faster recovery: Taking iron supplements will heal wounds and muscle strength  Standing still for long periods may cause the knees to swell When sitting hold the impacted leg on a footstool Practice recommended mobility exercises Other items that you may use for support at home: A stick for picking objects from the floor A long-handled shoehorn to reduce straining or bending A raised toilet seat for making it easier to sit down and get up Thus, following the effe

A guide on knee surgery

Knee replacement surgery helps in restoring a damaged, worn, or deformed knee joints weight bearing façade. The aim of this surgery is to mitigate pain while restoring mobility. The medical procedure is also referred to as "knee resurfacing" or knee arthroplasty. A number of alternative procedures may be feasible depending on how serious the damage is. However, surgery the knee replacement surgery tends to have better outcomes  in the long term. If other therapy alternatives prove to be ineffective then undergoing surgery is an appropriate option. TYPES OF KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY Replacement of the knee may be complete or partial. Total knee replacement (TKR)  Surgery includes replacing the knee joint on both sides. It's the most prevalent procedure used by joint replacement surgeons in Indore . The person who undergoes TKR  will have less pain and better functionality, but scars tissues would be present, which can make moving and bending the knees hard. The su